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Fundamental Physics

of Ferroelectrics

and related materials 


An annual series of workshops starting in 1990
Over the past 30 years this workshop has evolved into one of the world's leading forums on the physics of ferroelectricity and related phenomenon, where the best researchers from around the world gather to share and debate cutting edge developments in the field of ferroelectrics and related materials, both experimental and theoretical.  This workshop series has played a significant role in fostering multi-institutional collaborations on research devoted to understanding the fundamental physics of these complex and versatile materials.
Jan 27- 30, 2019
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A workshop that brings together an international and interdisciplinary team of theorists and experimentalists

The 2019 "Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics Workshop,” is the 30th in the series of workshops that has gathered the world’s leading theorists and experimentalists working in the field of ferroelectrics and related materials every year since 1990. This year we meet in Tampa, FL, close to the University of South Florida at the Embassy Suites. The meeting includes two and a half days of oral sessions, a poster session, and a banquet. 

Invited Speakers Include

  • Jorge Iniguez  (University of Luxembourg)

  • Manila Songvilay (University of Edinburgh)

  • James Scott (St. Andrews)

  • David Singh (University of Missouri)

  • Philippe Ghosez (Université de Liège)

  • Marin Alexe (University of Warwick)

  • Jun-Ming Liu (Nanjing University)

  • Takeshi Egami (University of Tennessee)

  • Sergey Vakhrushev (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute)

  • Karin Rabe (Rutgers University)

  • Long-Chin Chen (Penn State University)



to the 2019 Student/Postdoc

Presentation Award


Thank you to our SPONSORS!

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Organizing Committee

Ronald Cohen                         

Geophysical Laboratory

Carnegie Institution of Washington

5251 Broad Branch Rd., N.W.

Washington, DC  20015  USA


Peter Gehring
NIST Center for Neutron Research National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA

Sergey Lisenkov

Department of Physics

University of South Florida

Tampa, FL 33620-7100 USA

Dr. Inna Ponomareva
Department of Physics
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue, ISA 5103
Tampa, FL 33620-5700

James M Rondinelli
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University
2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208-3108, USA 

Zuo-Guang Ye
Department of Chemistry and 4D LABS
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., V5A 1S6, Canada

Important Deadlines

Abstracts           December 1, 2018

Lodging              December 1, 2018

Registration       December 1, 2018

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